Introduction to Quantum Computation
This is the homepage of Math 421/521 Introduction to Quantum Computation, offered in Fall 2024 at Bilkent University.
Instructor: Cihan Okay
Location: G-236
Time: Tue 11:30-12:20, Thu 15:30-17:20
Textbook and other reading
Lecture notes: Dec 28, 2024
The course textbook is Quantum Computation and Quantum Information by Michael A. Nielsen and Isaac L. Chuang, Cambridge University Press (10th Anniversary edition).
Reader-friendly sources for background:
Linear algebra done right by Sheldon Axler
Introduction to the theory of computation by Michael Sipser
Quantum computing/information resources other than the textbook:
Classical and quantum computation by Alexei Kitaev, Alexander Shen, Mikhail N. Vyalyi
The theory of quantum information by John Watrous
Also see Math-421 Fall 2022 and Math-421 Spring 2021.
Weekly Syllabus
Linear Algebra
Week 1 (Sep 17-19): Inner product spaces
Week 2 (Sep 24-26): Tensor product, Dirac notation
Week 3 (Oct 1-3): Spectral decomposition, Polar and singular value decomposition
Quantum theory
Week 4 (Oct 8-10): Axioms of quantum mechanics
Week 5 (Oct 15-17): Teleportation and superdense coding
Week 6 (Oct 22-24): Density operators
Week 7 (Oct 31)1: Bell inequalities
Theory of computation
Week 8 (Nov 5-7): Turing machines, Circuits
Midterm (Nov 9, 11:00-13:30)
Week 9 (Nov 12-14): Computational complexity
Week 10 (Nov 19-21): Quantum circuits, Universal quantum gates
Week 11 (Nov 26-28): Quantum computational complexity
Quantum algorithms
Week 12 (Dec 3-5): Deutsch–Jozsa algorithm, Simon’s algorithm
Week 13 (Dec 10-12): Quantum Fourier transform, Phase estimation
Week 14 (Dec 17-19): Order-finding, Shor’s factoring algorithm
Week 15 (Dec 24): Hidden subgroup problem
Math 521 Presentations (Dec 27, 15:30-18:00)
Final (Jan 2, 09:00-12:00)
Grading Scheme
Math 421: Midterm - %25, Final - %30, Homework (4 assignments) - %40, Attendance - %5
Math 521: Midterm - %25, Final - %25, Homework (4 assignments) - %40, Oral presentation - %10