This is the homepage of Qiskit lectures for Math 421 Introduction to Quantum Computation offered in Fall 2022 at Bilkent University.
Teaching assistants: Abdullah Bin Aamir and Ekin Bircan Bosdurmaz
Location: SA Z04
Time: Tue 8:30-9:20
Use the following instructions if you want to download Qiskit on your system.
Open the following this link to install Anaconda distribution:
Open the installer package and follow the instructions. Make sure to select Jupyter notebook among the programs to be downloaded when asked during the installation process.
Next we need to download the qiskit package (library). For this we open terminal on mac or Linux or the anaconda prompt installed with Anaconda if you have windows.
Enter the following commands one by one in the terminal:
conda create -n ENV_NAME python=3
conda activate ENV_NAME
pip install qiskit[visualization]
For mac write pip install 'qiskit[visualization]' instead of the above command.
conda list
Check the list of programs and see if qiskit is there. If so, we are done, Qiskit is now installed.
To use qiskit online visit this link and make an account.
Qiskit sources
Introduction to Quantum Computing with Qiskit by Macauley Coggins
Jupyter lecture notes are available on the course’s slack channel.
Weekly schedule
Sep 20 - Intro to Qiskit
Sep 27 - Single qubit circuits
Oct 4 - Multi-qubit circuits
Oct 11 - Entanglement
Oct 18 - Teleportation
Oct 25 - Superdense coding
Nov 1 - No class
Nov 8 - Bell inequalities
Nov 15 - Simon’s algorithm
Nov 22 - Deutsch-Jozsa algorithm
Nov 29 - Quantum Fourier Transform part I
Dec 6 - Quantum Fourier Transform part II
Dec 13 - Phase estimation
Dec 20 - Shor’s algorithm